Saturday, January 30, 2016

Creation Moment 1/31/2016 - VO

I will praise thee;
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14
"The vestibular organ (VO) resides inside the semicircular canals of the inner ear and senses head motions in all directions and all six rotations. It must have a process to dampen its sensitivity when the body itself causes motion. Without this dampening function, intentional body movements would disrupt balance—imagine getting motion sick every time you go for a jog. How does your VO protect against self-inflicted motion sickness? The answer involves a mechanism with precision parts and precise timing that has every characteristic of fine-tuned, intentional design.

The team found that when tadpoles initiated swimming motions, their tiny spinal cords sent out two copies of the swim signal—one goes to the body's swimming muscles, and another goes to the VO. They published their results in Nature Communications.
This second signal notifies the VO that voluntary motion is about to happen, instantly calibrating the super-sensitive, miniaturized, motion-detecting equipment. By dampening the intrinsic sensitivity of the hair cells, the input from the spinal cord effectively adapts the VO's dynamic range

How could a system with this kind of exquisite timing—the brain, brainstem, spinal cord, spine, ear, VO, neurons, and muscles all working in exacting and concerted harmony to make seamless locomotion—have originated?" ICR