Thursday, January 28, 2016

Creation Moment 1/29/2016 - Sputnik Planum

Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,...
 by whom also he made the worlds;
Hebrews 1:2

"Pluto: It’s officially published in peer-reviewed literature: the

surface of Sputnik Planum on Pluto cannot be more than 10 million years old......Elizabeth Howell writes, “There’s a lack of craters on its surface, making it a unique area on Pluto and a rare spot in the solar system — it turns out it could be very young terrain indeed.”

The article goes on to postulate 3 ways the surface might have been rejuvenated:

(1) relaxation of nitrogen ice, erasing the craters;
(2) ice on the bottom rising to the top (the lava lamp theory);
(3) The ice could be partially melted at its bottom and from time to time, erupt on to the surface as cryo-lava.

Each of these ideas, though, would have to explain how such processes could be ongoing for billions of years on a world that should be frozen and geologically dead.

Pluto’s “huge” ice volcano named Wright Mons. It’s the largest such feature in the solar system, but on one of the smallest of planets—and it may still be active. The article begins, “Pluto’s weirdly dynamic and ‘young’ surface...."

If it looks young, let it be young! They won’t ever consider that, we know, because Charlie, their idol, needs lots of time for Tinker Bell do her evolutionary magic on Earth." CreationEvolutionHeadlines