Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Creation Moment 1/28/2016 - Spiritual "Progressives" on the Creation

Cosmic-New Age psycho-babble on "creation" below--
"The grandeur of creation comes to full expression in the creation of human beings.  Complexly magnificent, able to be conscious of ourselves, able to transcend that which is and to move towards what ought to be,  human beings were “created in the image of God” and reflect the universe’s greatest outpouring of love and
But also, “nothing more than dust and ashes.”  We are part of the totality of all that is, and we are ever arrogant when we see ourselves as somehow better than everything else, as having the right to use everything else for our own ends.  We are here on the planet for a brief moment, and for much of that time we are deeply enmeshed in foolish schemes to perpetuate ourselves for eternity, imagining that if we amass enough power or control we can somehow live forever.
Emancipatory Spirituality offers a different kind of immortality, not a promise that our own individual personalities with their specific sets of memories and experiences will last forever, but the immortality of being part and parcel of the totality of all being.  To appreciate this second kind of immortality, we need to reach a fuller awareness of our place in the universe and our identity as manifestations of the totality of all that is.
We are “holons,” entities who are simultaneously separate beings seeking to maintain our own individual existence and parts of something much bigger than ourselves.  In the contemporary world, it’s easy to understand the consciousness of ourselves as separate beings, but it’s very hard to develop a sense of ourselves as part of the unity of all being." NetworkOfSpiritualProgressives

1- Adam was created as a unique individual being---not part of some vast spiritually interconnected cosmic plasma or energy field. Eve was created as a separate but distinct individual from Adam. All their offspring share the same unique individuality.
2- As for "using" things to our own ends....things of nature were placed here for mankind to use. Mankind was given dominion over the earth. The earth was not given dominion over man. Here we have the roots of the mentality of the GREEN RELIGION (modern environmentalism) on display - turning God's design upside gay marriage does.
3- What was a "Holon" again???
....always learning but never able
to come to a knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7 BSB