Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Creation Moment 1/27/2016 - 2MASS J2126

"Scientists used to suspect a giant planet named "2MASS J2126-
8140" was a rogue world, wandering the galaxy without a star to orbit. But it turns out the planet isn't homeless after all: its star is just very, very far away. Like, 621,000,000,000 miles.
The planet is believed to be a gas giant 12 to 15 times the size of Jupiter,....Scientists aren't sure how such a far-flung solar system could have formed. “There is no way it formed in the same way as our solar system did, from a large disc of dust and gas,” Murphy said in a press statement." msn
Here is one way it could have formed.....

Through faith we understand that the worlds
were framed by the word of God,
Hebrews 11:3