Saturday, January 9, 2016

Creation Moment 1/10/2016 - Walter Lammerts

Walter Lammerts 1904 - 1996

"Walter Lammerts (1904–1996) was the first president of the Creation Research Society.  This
unique organization began in 1963 for the purpose of promoting the creation worldview.  With hundreds of member scientists worldwide, the society encourages the research and publication of creation topics.  Lammerts was brought up in Washington and California in an agricultural family.  He learned horticulture first hand, and went on to earn a Ph.D. in plant genetics.  Lammerts joined the faculty at UCLA and over the years became a world-class expert on rose breeding.  He is credited with introducing 46 new rose varieties.  Some varieties have exotic names such as Chrysler Imperial and Queen Elizabeth.  Lammerts was bold in his stand for a young earth, a global flood, and the creation of all living things “after their kind,” a phrase from Genesis 1.  He was a talented scientist who effectively defended God’s Word for nearly a century.
The Creation Research Society is still in existence and publishes both a quarterly peer-reviewed science journal, the CRS Quarterly, and a bimonthly newsletter, Creation Matters. " CEH

His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant:
Matthew 25:21