Wednesday, December 23, 2015

SDA News - SDA recieves LLD from Cambridge

Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening.

Psalm 104:23
"Legal philosopher Gary Chartier, professor of law and business ethics and associate dean of the Zapara School of Business, has been awarded the prestigious Doctor of Law (LLD) degree by the University of Cambridge.
To qualify for the earned LLD, which may also be presented on an honorary basis, someone must be an “established scholar” whose “original contribution to the advancement of the science or study of law” offers “proof of distinction.” An applicant, who must already hold another degree from the University, submits a body of written work that makes “important and original contributions to the advancement of the science or study of law, gives proof of his or her academic distinction, and entitles him or her to be regarded as an authority in the field or fields of knowledge in which the work is submitted.”
Fewer than 20 higher doctorates, and only one or two LLDs, will be awarded by the University of Cambridge in a typical academic year. No other La Sierra faculty member, and no other Seventh-day Adventist scholar, holds a higher doctorate from Cambridge or any of the United Kingdom’s other ancient universities. Additionally, no member of the faculty at any of the top 20 U.S. law schools, as measured by scholarly impact in 2012, holds the Cambridge LLD.
Mr. Chartier has served as chair, vice-chair and treasurer of the Riverside County Libertarian Party. He has written for both Bleeding Hearts Libertarian and Center for Stateless Society. Gary currently identifies as a left libertarian anarchist." IndependentPoliticalReport