Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Papal Notes - Will the Papacy ride in on it's GREEN horse to "save" the planet?

"LE BOURGET, France (AP) -- If international climate talks really stall, don't be surprised if there
might be an ever-so-slight intervention by Pope Francis.
Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace who helped draft the pope's June encyclical on global warming, said the pontiff has "deep trust" that negotiators in Paris will get the job done. But just in case they don't, the pope might possibly send a gentle message, he said.
If the pope did intervene with a gentle statement if negotiations bog down, it would "show the gravity of the situation and highlight what's at stake," said Jennifer Morgan, global climate program director for the World Resources Institute.
Joe Ware, a protestant spokesman for Christian Aid, welcomed the remark, saying such action "would just give that final nudge to the negotiations."
Turkson said the Vatican has great interest in seeing the negotiations succeed, particularly getting the world to stop using carbon power by mid-century to save the Earth,.....The Vatican is also seriously considering joining the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, eventually signing an agreement out of Paris and then coming up with a plan to reduce emissions for the Vatican City itself, said Archbishop Bernadito Auzo, the acting head of the Vatican delegation observing climate talks." AP
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth.... Revelation 13:14