Monday, December 21, 2015

No More Sea...

And there was no more sea.
Revelation 21:1
"Scarcely could we rejoice at the thought of losing the glorious old ocean: the new heavens and the new earth are none the fairer to our imagination, if, indeed, literally there is to be no great and wide sea, with its gleaming waves and shelly shores. 

 A real physical world without a sea it is mournful to imagine, it would be an iron ring without the sapphire which made it precious.

There must be a spiritual meaning here.
 In the new dispensation there will be no division-the sea separates nations and sunders peoples from each other.
To John in Patmos the deep waters were like prison walls, shutting him out from his brethren and his work: there shall be no such barriers in the world to come.

In this sense there shall be no more sea. The sea is the emblem of
change; with its ebbs and flows, its glassy smoothness and its mountainous billows, its gentle murmurs and its tumultuous roarings, it is never long the same. Slave of the fickle winds and the changeful moon, its instability is proverbial. 

 No tempest howls along the peaceful shores of paradise. Soon shall we reach that happy land where partings, and changes, and storms shall be ended! Jesus will waft us there. Are we in Him or not? This is the grand question."
Charles Spurgeon