Sunday, December 6, 2015

Creation Moment 12/7/2015 - Mendel’s Accountant vs. Avida

"Computational evolution experiments using the population
genetics simulation Mendel’s Accountant
have suggested that deleterious mutation accumulation may pose a threat to the long-term survival of many biological species. By contrast, experiments using the program Avida have suggested that
purifying selection is extremely effective and that novel genetic information can arise via selection for high-impact beneficial mutations.

The present study shows that these approaches yield seemingly contradictory results only because of disparate parameter settings. Both agree when similar settings are used, and both reveal a net loss of genetic information under biologically relevant conditions. ...further, both approaches establish the existence of three potentially prohibitive barriers to the evolution of novel genetic information:
(1) the selection threshold and resulting genetic decay;
(2) the waiting time to beneficial mutation; and
(3) the pressure of reductive evolution, i.e., the selective
pressure to shrink the genome and disable unused functions.

The adequacy of mutation and natural selection for producing and sustaining novel genetic information cannot be properly assessed without a careful study of these issues." RainbowTechnologies

....and be ready always to give an answer to every man
that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you....
1 Peter 3:15