Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Creation Moment 12/2/2015 - Breaking Dino News

"Blood vessels found in a hadrosaur said to be 80 million years old are the real original material, researchers say. Researchers Confirm Original Blood Vessels in 80 Million-Year-Old Fossil” is the headline from North Carolina State University:
 For Immediate Release December 1, 2015 Researchers from North Carolina State University have confirmed that blood vessel-like structures found in an 80 million-year-old hadrosaur fossil are original to the animal, and not biofilm or other contaminants. Their findings add to the growing body of evidence that structures like blood vessels and cells can persist over millions of years, and the data not only confirm earlier reports of protein sequences in dinosaurs, they represent a significant advance in methodology. The work was done using multiple methods,
including high-resolution mass spectrometry. The researchers found original myosin protein. They used chicken and ostrich bones for controls: “In both the modern and ancient samples, peptide sequences matched those found in blood vessels.”

Prediction: The implications of this discovery (and others like it) are so staggering, so monumental, evolutionists will not believe it. They will either deny it, or escape to the absurd conclusion that soft blood vessels can survive for millions of years. Lay people, by contrast, will be quick to see the implications. The assumption of millions of years will persist in the science community, leading to a deeper divide between Big Science and lay people, similar to the currently-observed divide between Big Science and lay people on climate change. Unless new scientists rise through the ranks who are open to the possibility of a young earth, nothing will change until the Old Guard retires. Suggestion: to hasten the revolution, hold up these pictures in their face, and don’t let them bluff their way out of it." CEH

He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
1 Corinthians 13:19