Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Creation Moment 12/16/2015 - Recorded human history points to young earth

This is the book of the generations of Adam. Genesis 5:1

"It only goes back approximately 4,000 years, and when it begins, people are discussing philosophy and politics and intelligent views of the human emotional condition. Now, the problem with the Old Earth model is that it is believed that primitive people handed down primitive stories from generation to generation. That's cute, but what is written in the beginning of recorded history far surpasses any
kind of verbal passing from one generation to another, it is much, much too complex to be preserved by oral tradition.
Humankind used to be thought to go back a million years. Now chromosome discoveries have forced the mainstream scientific establishment to roll that back to "only" 50,000 - to - 150,000 years or so. So even then, how did human beings communicated all these complex ideas for 44,000 - to - 144,000 years which otherwise spring like a fountain the moment written history is introduced? It's barely possible as a stand-alone example, but not probable, and falls apart completely when you add it to the other empirical examples.
Also, it is funny that evolutionists never really discuss the evolution of language, and certainly not in terms of empirical evidence. What we are left with according to the information the mainstream promotes is essentially 44,000 - 144,000 years of grunting and 10-word vocabularies punctuated by bearskins and clubs and then out of nowhere people are writing about politics and good manners. While this absurd dichotomy does not seem to bother the mainstream scientist at all, it's a laughable scenario to anyone with an ounce of common sense, and the mainstream view is therefore plainly wrong and the Christian Creationist view is plainly the correct one.
4,000 year written history fits perfectly into the Biblical time frame which makes coincidence rather unlikely to say the least."