Monday, November 23, 2015

SDA News - Pathfinders bus crash in Mexico

"Nearly three dozen Pathfinders escaped a bus crash with mostly scratches and bruises thanks to
God’s miraculous intervention after their vehicle lost its brakes on a mountainous road en route to a camporee in Mexico, their director said.
Director Sergio Cruz Robles described a horrific race down the mountain at 5:30 a.m. on Nov. 13 as the Pathfinders from the state of Michoacan in central Mexico traveled 330 miles to the camporee of about 3,300 Pathfinders.
Cruz said he realized that the bus driver was struggling to make the curves on the mountainous road all night, so he moved closer to the front of the bus to see what was wrong.
“I could tell that the bus driver was trying hard to find a way to stop,” Cruz said by phone from his hospital bed, where he was recovering from a fractured pelvis. “We were either going to land in a large ditch or crash into a tree, and that could have been fatal.” ANN
My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation:
I will pay my vows before them that fear him.
Psalm 22:25