Tuesday, November 24, 2015

IN the NEWS - Lesson from Down Under

See....here we go...now CHURCHES are being sued for even just defending traditional marriage in letters among there own organizations.....the INTOLERANCE of the secular left knows no bounds.... for this was the whole purpose behind the global push for gay marriage---to stamp out Christianity with the billy club of government...
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7

"The Sydney archbishop has strongly defended the freedom of the Catholic Church in response to a legal complaint claiming the Australian bishops’ pastoral letter on marriage violated Tasmania’s strict anti-discrimination law.
The legal complaint targeted Archbishop Julian Porteous of Hobart, Tasmania and the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference as a whole. The bishops’ conference had authored the booklet, “Don’t Mess with Marriage,” a pastoral letter issued May 28.

The pastoral letter was sent home with students of Catholic high schools in several archdioceses,

including Hobart. It stressed both respect for all and respect for the unique nature of marriage as a union of man and a woman. It also rejected claims that current Australian law and Catholic teaching on marriage wrongly discriminate.

On Nov. 12 Tasmania’s anti-discrimination commissioner said it would investigate the complaint. The following week, the archbishop agreed to go through a conciliation process to address the complaint.

The complaint was filed by Martine Delaney, an LGBT activist and 2016 candidate for the Australian Green party for the country’s federal House of Representatives.

I’ve sought an apology and for the Catholic education system to involve itself in LGBTI awareness for students,” Delaney said, according to Australia’s Sky News.

Delaney, who identifies as transgender, charged that the booklet was inappropriate and acted to marginalize same-sex couples and their families.

The Sydney archdiocese said the complaint was filed in Tasmania because of its unique anti-discrimination law. The law bars conduct that could reasonably be anticipated to offend, humiliate, insult or ridicule another person on the basis of several categories, including sexual orientation.

The move comes ahead of an expected national plebiscite on the definition of marriage."