Sunday, November 1, 2015

IN the NEWS - GREEN RELIGION unifying Religion(s)

The GREEN Religion, pushed by Pope Francis & the secular world,  is a unifying factor of many of the world's religions----exhibit A: Buddhism......

"The interactions between environmental issues and faith are evolving, as religious leaders weigh in
to guide actions of the faithful on climate change.
Buddhist leaders expressed support for the Paris climate talks at the end of November in a document they call "Global Buddhist Climate Change Collective," released Thursday.
"We are at a crucial crossroads where our survival and that of other species is at stake as a result of our actions," leaders wrote in the statement. 
 The statement was signed by the Dalai Lama and 14 other Buddhist leaders.....Chan Khong, a Buddhist disciple at Plum Village in Vietnam. "We must take action, not out of a sense of duty but out of love for our planet and for each other," she wrote,..." ChristianScienceMonitor

....and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator,
 Romans 1:25