Monday, November 2, 2015

IN the NEWS - England's view of Christ

"Forty percent of people in England do not believe Jesus was a real
person, a survey suggests.
However, 43% of the people asked said they did believe in the resurrection - although many did not think it happened as described in the Bible.
The figures also found while 57% classified themselves as Christian, fewer than 10% actually go to church.
The survey of over 4,000 people for the Church of England will be discussed at its next General Synod in November.
Many scholars agree that Jesus was a real man, who lived in Galilee over two thousand years ago, although many details surrounding his life are still debated.
But, the Church of England survey found that four in 10 people did not realise Jesus was a real person, with a quarter of 18 to 34 year olds believing he was a mythical or fictional character." BBC
For what if some did not believe? 
shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
 God forbid: yea, 
let God be true, but every man a liar;
Romans 3:3,4