Sunday, November 8, 2015

Creation Moment 11/9/2015 - ID

"In science, it is essential to define what one is talking about when referring to ID. In my own view it can be defined as follows:
Intelligent Design: an effect that requires an intelligent mind to produce          Examples include
 the unique acoustic signature of a submarine, 
a smartphone, 
the fitness function of a well-designed genetic algorithm, 
and an artificial protein.

 I have observed three ways in which ID is firmly entrenched in science:
Design Application: The application of intelligence to first principles of physics to produce a desired effect. (e.g., artificial proteins)
Design Derivation: Beginning with a complex effect, the process of reverse engineering back to first principles in an effort to understand the design and how it works (e.g., genetics is probably the largest reverse engineering/ID project that science has embarked upon).
Design Detection: The analysis of an effect to determine if it requires an intelligent mind (e.g., marking and identification of artificial genomes, proteins and designer drugs, as well as forensic science, archeology, decryption and SETI).
The application of these three areas gives rise to a number of predictions in science,..." EN&V 
 I have made the earth, and created man upon it:
Isaiah 45:12