Saturday, November 28, 2015

Creation Moment 11/29/2015 - Questions for "Lucy"

"Is she, or isn’t she? Lucy has long been hailed (by evolutionists) as
the poster-child for bipedality over braininess—the proof that our ancestors learned to walk on two legs before they really learned to think on their feet. Is Lucy, the now legendary Australopithecus afarensis fossil found in 1974, the real mother of humanity? Is that even the question?

Opinions among evolutionists vary—
Was Lucy the oldest pioneer of bipedality?
Did she have an arched foot or not?
Did her cousins walk boldly upright across Tanzania leaving footprints at Laetoli?
Was she a closet knuckle-walker who kept her options open?
Was her branch on the evolutionary tree the one that led to us or just a dead end?
Have new findings concerning the shape of her jaw (a more gorilla-like morphology than a human ancestor should have!) lost her spot on the trunk of our hominid tree?
Have the numerous re-datings of Lucy and other discoveries such as Homo habilis finally arrived at an acceptable set of dates?
Or are these even the right questions to be asking?
What, truly, is Lucy’s legacy?" AIG
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God created he him;
 male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:27