Friday, November 27, 2015

Creation Moment 11/28/2015 - Don't accuse God of using macro evolution

"Others have said: "But God could have created by a long evolutionary process if He wanted to." No, He couldn't! God can do everything except contradict Himself and His own nature.
God is not a man,
that he should lie;
Numbers 23:19
Evolution is the most wasteful and most cruel process that one could ever devise by which to "create" men and women. Christians should not accuse God of being responsible for the evolutionary process.

Nor does it help any to say that God interspersed various acts of
special creation at different times throughout the long geological ages. This is what is usually meant by the term "progressive creation." Modern evolutionary biologists and paleontologists proposed a similar concept--only they called it "punctuated equilibrium." They explained the many gaps in the fossil record, not by sporadic creation events, but as sudden evolutionary developments triggered by mass extinctions which punctuate long periods of "stasis," or equilibrium." ICR