Thursday, November 19, 2015

Creation Moment 11/20/2015 - Evolutionist's getting "warmer"?

And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:2

"Time to rewrite the textbooks again. Earth started out wet, scientists now claim, overturning decades of dogma. “Earth may have kept its own water rather than getting it from asteroids,” reads a story title in Science Magazine , a summary of a paper in Science. The authors
concluded, from divination of lavas on Baffin Island collected in 1985 (Astrobiology Magazine), that the mantle must have gained its water directly from the protoplanetary nebula. Astronomers had been telling the public for many years that Earth started out dry and got its water from comets. When the deuterium ratio of comet ice turned out to be too high, they had a problem.

Now, however, instead of apologizing for their mistake, they are bragging that the discovery is “exciting” and suggests that habitable planets may be much more common throughout the universe. 

 They cite previous modeling work suggesting that this mechanism could allow a significant amount of water to survive the brutal temperatures and violent processes by which dust particles coalesced to form planets. The paper admits that temperatures in the habitable zone would have been 440 to 1340 degrees Kelvin. Those water molecules would have needed a tight grip to hang on to the dust. Maybe they “snuck” onto the back side of the grains to avoid the solar wind. The researchers merely assumed that these dust grains would clump into planetesimals and then planets. They spoke of Earth’s accretion six times in the short paper without explaining how tiny dust grains accrete, which they usually don’t.

They’re at least getting warmer. The Earth started out with all of its water, according to a textbook that never needs revising." CEH