Monday, October 19, 2015

SDA Issues - Speegle, Hinds & Fordham bringing more division

Now I beseech you, brethren, 
mark them which cause divisions and offences 
contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; 
and avoid them. 
For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, 
but their own belly; 
and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
Romans 16:17,18
"Some male pastors of the Seventh-day Adventist Church have changed their credentials in an act of solidarity with women who are not allowed to be ordained in the denomination.
The protest has occurred in several states across the U.S. after the global denomination voted in July not to allow regional church
bodies to ordain women pastors.

Mike Speegle, senior pastor of an Adventist church in Fulton, Md., said Wednesday (Oct. 14) that he requested and received a change in his credentials late this summer as his way of supporting his female colleagues.
In our structure, I can’t make them equal with me by ordaining them, but I can make myself equal with them by taking the commissioned license, which is exactly what they have,” he said.
Pastor Kymone Hinds, the leader of a Memphis, Tenn., church, took similar action. He and another minister, Pastor Furman Fordham of Nashville, Tenn., received permission from their regional officials." HuffingtonPost

* The church upheld the BIBLICAL position on ordination...yet these ministers make a politically motivated statement against the Biblical position showing the hardness of their hearts on display.
At what point in the "line crossed" on open rebellion?
* Also, they are getting coverage in the secular press, showing to the world a division in the Church, rather than sharing with them the 3 Angel's Message, the beauty of the Sanctuary Doctrine, True Righteousness by Faith, etc. ...more evidence that the Spirit of God is NOT behind the women ordination movement. These men are motivated by a politically correct personal WORLDVIEW, not Scripture.