Monday, October 5, 2015

Looking to the time of Old Age

At evening time it shall be light.
 Zechariah 14:7
"Oftentimes we look forward with forebodings 
to the time of old age, 
forgetful that at eventide it shall be light. 
 From the altar of age the flashes of the fire of youth are gone, 
 but the more real flame of earnest feeling remains. 
The setting sun seems larger than when aloft in the sky, 
and a splendor of glory tinges all the clouds 
which surround his going down. 

 Unbelief laments; 
the shadows fall, 
 the night is coming, 
existence is ending. 
Ah no, crieth faith, the night is far spent, the true day is at hand."
Charles Spurgeon