Friday, October 16, 2015

IN the NEWS - The Robots are coming?

Whether that increase in knowledge in the end times is about Bible prophecy or a dual prophecy to include technical knowledge--it is undeniable BOTH have happened since 1844....

...even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel 12:4

Self repairing city: Robots and drones made in Leeds to repair potholes and street lights

The idea is to create a “self repairing city” where working robots would cause minimal environmental impact and disruption to the public. After being thoroughly tested the robots will be trialled “in a safe environment” on the streets of Leeds.

The researchers will initially develop new robot designs and technologies in three areas:

 “Perch and Repair” – research to develop drones that can perch, like birds, on structures at height and perform repair tasks, such as repairing street lights. 

  “Perceive and Patch” - research to develop drones able to autonomously inspect, diagnose, repair and prevent potholes in roads;

 “Fire and forget” – research to develop robots which will operate indefinitely within live utility pipes performing inspection, repair, metering and reporting tasks.

 “Our robots will undertake precision repairs and avoid the need for large construction vehicles in the heart of our cities. We will use the unique capabilities of our robotic facility to make new, more capable robots" YorkshireEveningPost