Thursday, October 22, 2015

IN the NEWS - RICO Laws & Mark of the Beast?

Below is a news item about the secular left wanting to use RICO Laws for organized crime, to go after & silence those who disagree with man made "climate change".
NOW---picture Christians, who would be trying to appease an "angry Father God" to mandate Sunday observance of somekind during a time of trouble---joined by secular & non-Christian forces who agree in setting aside a day for the planet to "rest" (as called for in the Papal Encyclical issued by Pope Francis) in order to appease an "angry mother earth".

"One group is willing to persecute because they think they are doing God's will....joined by those who think they are saving the planet. The 2 sides join forces to implement the mark globally & by FORCE......the day is coming....

"What irony. The latest attack on fellow scientists was launched by academics from a university named for the patriot who wrote the original Virginia version of our Bill of Rights. Those rights include freedom of speech and assembly, the right to petition our government, and protection from unreasonable search and seizure of our property.
Sadly, it reflects the appalling state of “academic freedom” on too many campuses, which today celebrate every kind of diversity except diversity of opinion.

Jagadish Shukla, four associates at his George Mason University-based Institute of Global Environment and Society, and 15 other climate researchers have signed an outrageous letter, asking President Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch to investigate “organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change.

They want people like me and the groups I work with prosecuted and punished under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.
The letter claims the organizations’ “misdeeds” must be “stopped as soon as possible,” so that the world can “restabilize the Earth’s climate, before even more lasting damage is done” to human health, agriculture, biodiversity and the world’s poorest people.

Their action attempts to coerce, intimidate, slander and silence organizations and scientists who question claims that humans are causing dangerous climate change; shut down skeptic research, speech and publication; destroy skeptics’ funding, businesses and livelihoods; protect alarmist funding, standing and influence; and bankrupt skeptics, who would have to spend personal fortunes responding to a Justice Department that has limitless resources at its disposal.
RICO is used to prosecute underlying patterns or practices of criminal behavior. It defies belief to say questioning claims that humans are causing climate cataclysms — or opposing campaigns against anti-fossil fuels, modern living standards and better lives for billions of impoverished people worldwide — somehow constitutes a “criminal enterprise.”

Moreover, the “misdeeds” alluded to in the RICO-20 letter are studies, reports and discussions that contradict alarmist allegations and what cataclysm skeptics believe are exaggerations and computer model failures underlying those claims." WashingtonTimes
 ....because they exchanged the truth about
 God for a lie and worshiped
 and served the creature rather than the Creator,
Romans 1:25 ESV