Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Creation Moment 10/22/2015 - Truth about EVOLUTION

...but the fool walketh in darkness:
Ecclesiastes 2:14
"The fact is that evolutionists believe in evolution because they want to. It is their desire at all costs to explain the origin of everything without a Creator. 
Evolutionism is thus intrinsically an atheistic religion. 
Some may prefer to call it 
and New Age evolutionists may place it in the context of 
some form of pantheism
but they all amount to the same thing. 
Whether atheism or humanism (or even pantheism), the purpose is to eliminate a personal God from any active role in the origin of the universe and all its components, including man." ICR

 "Many, when they find themselves incapable of measuring the Creator and his works by their own imperfect knowledge of science, doubt the existence of God and attribute infinite power to nature. These persons have lost the simplicity of faith, and are removed far from God in mind and spirit"
Signs of the Times 3/13/1884 E.G.W.