Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Papal Notes - Blasphemy on Display

"Vatican City, Sep 01, 2015 / 07:33 am (EWTN News/CNA).- In a new set of pastoral guidelines for the upcoming Holy Year of Mercy Pope Francis has made some significant moves, allowing all priests to forgive the sin of abortion and granting SSPX priests the faculty to forgive sins" EWTN 

1) Any sin (but the unpardonable sin) can be forgiven by God, even abortion and gay marriage.

2) Pope Francis does NOT have the authority to decide who can & can't be forgiven. 
3) Claiming the power to forgive sin is one of the two characteristics in the New Testament of BLASPHEMY.
4) This Pope is a PR genius----on gay marriage he is applauded by the secular world for saying on the topic "who am I to judge" while keeping the faithful loyal by still officially opposing it. Now on abortion, he grants ALL forgiveness of abortion yet still officially is opposed to it. I guess that's one way to get the world to wonder after you-know-who....

Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? 
Who can forgive sins, but God alone?
Luke 5:21 
P.S.--What is the SSPX you ask? It is the Society of Saint Pious X. It is a an order of renegade priests who opposed most of Vatican II 's declarations in the 60's as being too liberal on theology. They basically perform a different, more "pious" form of the mass abandoned by the catholic Church. The Vatican does not officially recognize them, but by Francis giving them permission to also "forgive sins", he is holding out an olive branch to the most conservative catholics while he veers theologically left to draw after the Papacy the secular world...once again...PR genius...