Monday, September 7, 2015

IN the NEWS - Kentucky Clerk

"A Kentucky clerk was sent to jail Thursday after a judge found her in contempt of court for refusing to issue gay marriage licenses to gay couples.
Kim Davis, a clerk in Rowan County, was found in contempt of court on Thursday morning by Judge David Bunning. Davis has said granting marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples would "violate God's definition of marriage" and infringe on her personal beliefs as an Apostolic Christian.
Bunning said Davis would be released only when she agreed to follow his order and issue marriage licenses." NBC

FIRST, It should be pointed out the HYPOCRISY of those who you hear in the media, who say that because gay marriage is now the LAW OF THE LAND, that if she won't do her "job" that she should resign or are happy that she is in jail. --Remember-- these people are HYPOCRITES because, do you hear any of them calling for secular liberal politicians to resign or be thrown in jail for violating FEDERAL IMMIGATION LAWS with their "sanctuary cities"? (a "sanctuary city" is where the city or county elected officials openly refuse to obey federal immigration laws and not co-operate with federal immigration agents). So the only thing one can conclude is that those who spew insults at Kim Davis in Kentucky, and the only reason she is in jail, is because of her Christian beliefs. If this were not the case, then they would equally be calling for the same punishments for secular politicians who also are openly picking & choosing which laws to enforce. This point is IRREFUTABLE when you think about it......
SECOND, These kind of attacks on Christians, throwing them in jail, will only escalate (as we have seen with suing them in Oregon, Washington, New York, new Mexico, Colorado and a shirt printer in Kentucky as well as the lesbian Houston mayor demanding clergy turn over sermon notes or San Antonio passing a law, by a vote of 9-2, to issue fines to those who criticize gay
marriage within the city limits).
THIRD, This will only lead to pushback by Christians (and in these cases, rightly so) but may help fuel the mark-of-the-beast. As calamities heat up, and people call for appeasing an "angry father God", these issues, like gay marriage, persecution of Christians over it, abortion & Planned Parenthoods literal genocide for body parts ($$$), will help make their case that God is angry. At the same time the secular left & non-believing world could go along with a counterfeit Sabbath to appease an "angry mother earth" and help reduce our so-called "carbon footprint".
FINALLY, Although many of these Christians you see defending Kim Davis may be part of the core supporters of the mark-of-the -beast when it occurs, just REMEMBER, many are true believers too who will come out of Babylon...
Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, ....
....Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 18:2,4