Saturday, September 12, 2015

IN the NEWS - Good Question

....and did not one fashion us in the womb?
Job 31:15
"A 38-year-old woman who survived a saline abortion in 1977 shared her story before Congress on Wednesday, speaking out against abortion and Planned Parenthood’s continued slaughter of unborn children.
Gianna Jessen was miraculously born alive at a Los Angeles Planned Parenthood facility after her mother sought an abortion while seven months pregnant. Her mother had been advised to have a saline abortion, which burns the child with a caustic chemical and then suffocates them to death. The dead child is then removed the following day.
Instead of dying, after 18 hours of being burned in my mother’s womb, I was delivered alive in an abortion clinic in Los Angeles on April the 6th, 1977,” Jessen told those gathered. “Thankfully, the abortionist was not at work yet. Had he been there, he would have ended my life with strangulation, suffocation, or leaving me there to die. Instead, a nurse called an ambulance, and I was rushed to a hospital.”
It was soon declared that Jessen had cerebral palsy, suffered from the lack of oxygen to her brain during the abortion.
How many Lamborghini’s were purchased with the blood of innocent children?” she declared. “The blood that cries to the Lord from the ground like that of the blood of Abel. Not one of them … is forgotten by Him.”
Jessen then pointed to her own life story in her plea to save the children.
I would ask Planned Parenthood the following question: If abortion is about women’s rights, then what were mine?” she asked." ChristianNewsNetwork