Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Health Note - Gum Disease

I wish above all things that thou in health,
3 John 1:2

"Wild blueberry extract could prevent the formation of dental plaque and possibly replace mouthwash as an antibiotic-free means to fight gum disease, according to a new study.The research team demonstrated that the extract, whose key ingredient is polyphenol, fights foodborne pathogens in addition to a species of bacteria most commonly associated with periodontitis.
In the laboratory, the polyphenol-rich extract inhibited growth of the bacteria, called Fusobacterium
Eat Your Blueberries!!!

The extract also prevented the bacteria from forming biofilms - the condition in which cells stick to each other that represents the build-up of plaque.
What's more, the extract demonstrated itself capable of fighting inflammation by blocking the right biological pathway, or process by which the condition starts.
Gum disease, defined by having some degree of gum inflammation, a condition called gingivitis and caused by dental plaque, is very common.
Symptoms include red, swollen gums that bleed easily and in the absence of proper oral hygiene, gingivitis could lead to periodontitis." msn