Saturday, September 26, 2015

Health Note - Breast Cancer & Cattle

Dear friend,
I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you,
3 John 1:2 NIV
"Women who are infected with a virus called the bovine leukemia virus (BLV) may face an increased risk of breast cancer, according
to a recent study. The researchers' analysis of the data revealed that the odds of having breast cancer, when taking other risk factors into account, were three times higher if BLV was present — an increase that's higher than those of several other well known risk factors for breast cancer, including drinking alcohol, being obese and using hormone treatments after menopause, the study said. BLV is frequently found in cattle herds throughout the United States, infecting the animals' blood cells and mammary tissues. Most cows do not become sick from the virus, although a very small percentage do develop cancer of the lymph system.
In a 2007 U.S. Department of Agriculture survey, researchers tested more than 500 U.S. dairy farms' "bulk tanks," which contain milk from many cows mixed together. The testing showed that milk tested positive for BLV antibodies at 100 percent of the dairy operations with large herds, of 500 or more cows." LiveScience

"The time will come when we may have to discard some of the articles of diet we now use, such as milk and cream and eggs; but it is not necessary to bring upon ourselves perplexity by premature and extreme restrictions. Wait until the circumstances demand it, and the Lord prepares the way for it” Counsels on Health, p. 136 E.G.W.