Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fitting It All Together

The History of Christendom as layed out in the 7 Jewish feasts. (We don't "keep" those feasts today, but what can we LEARN from them?)

SPRING Feasts:
1st Advent of the Messiah
1) Passover feast
SANCTUARY- Altar of Burnt Sacrifice
Church History- Crucifixion of Christ
2) Feast of Unleavened Bread (literally next day)
SANCTUARY- Brazen Laver of Water (symbol of baptism)
Church History- Christ in death on 2nd day / baptized by death, as you go down in the water, He went down in the grave
3) Feast of First Fruits (literally the following day)
SANCTUARY- Table of Bread
Church History- Resurrection Of Christ, the first fruits of the grave, the Bread of Life
4) Feast of Pentecost
SANCTUARY- Altar of Incense
Church History- The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the earth at Pentecost

The Pause/Gap between the Spring & Fall Feasts
Church History- 7 Churches of Revelation 2&3....From Pentecost to the 2nd Advent
Chariot pulled by Red Horses in Zechariah 6
Ephesus - Age of the Apostles
Smyrna - Post-Apostolic Church in it's youth, spreading
Chariot pulled by Black Horses in Zechariah 6
Pergamos - HERESY / Corruption of Church by paganism with conversion of Constantine
Thyatira - APOSTASY / Rise of Papal Rome, persecutions & inquisitions
Chariots pulled by White Horses of Zechariah 6
Sardis - REFORMATION / attempt to reform Christendom from Papal errors
PhiladelphiaREVIVAL / 1st & 2nd Great Awakening, etc.
Chariot pulled by Speckled Horses of Zechariah 6
Laodicea - Last Group, in a Laodicean state pulled in 2 directions

FALL Feasts:
2nd Advent of the Messiah
5) Feast of Trumpets
SANCTUARY- 7 Branch Candlestick
Church History- Rise of the last movement, shining the 3 Angels' Message to the world
6) Day of Atonement (Known as the Day of Judgment)
SANCTUARY- Both the Ark of Covenant & Judgment (Mercy) Seat/the 2 are physically connected
Church History- The Judgment
7) Feast of Tabernacles
SANCTUARY- The Tabernacle itself, His plan of Redemption to deliver us from our "Egypt"
Church History- The Return of Christ to take His people to their place of dwelling for eternity

Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God,
Revelation 3:12