Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Daughters of Jerusalem

I found Him whom my soul loveth:
I held Him, and would not let Him go.
Song of Solomon 3:4

"Does Christ receive us when we come to Him,
notwithstanding all our past sinfulness?

Daughters of Jerusalem, extol Him with timbrel and harp!
Down with your idols, up with the Lord Jesus.

Now let the standards of pomp and pride be trampled under foot, but let the cross of Jesus, which the world frowns and scoffs at, be lifted on high.

O for a throne of ivory for our King Solomon! Let Him be set on high for ever, and let my soul sit at His footstool, and kiss His feet, and wash them with my tears. Oh, how precious is Christ! How can it be that I have thought so little of Him?

 Fellow believer, make a covenant with thine heart that thou wilt never depart from Him, and ask thy Lord to ratify it."
Charles Spurgeon