Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Creation Moment 9/24/2015 - Planetary Uniqueness Series: Top 10 (WASP-17b) -Too Big to be Real-

WASP-17b  -Too Big to be Real-

"At 1.9 times the size of Jupiter (the largest planet in our Solar
System), WASP-17b breaks the laws of physics and according to scientists, it should not even exist. And relative to its size, its density is quite small, being thus classified as a “puffy planet”.
It also has a retrograde orbit, which means that it spins opposite to its host star. None of the planets in our Solar System do this...." GN

I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.
Isaiah 45:12
P.S.-Planetary Uniqueness undermines the evolutionary cosmological theory that solar systems formed through accretion from the same space dust debris in their vicinity....