Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Creation Moment 9/23/2015 - Planetary Uniqueness Series: Top 10 (Gliese 581 c)

Gliese 581 c

"Gliese 581 c has been voted by the scientific community as a top 3 contender for harboring life
on its surface. However this planet is very different from Earth, in that it’s tidally locked to its red dwarf star, just like the Moon is to our planet. It always faces its star with only one side, while the other is in complete darkness. This is a planet of

extremes, since you would instantly melt away on one side or instantly freeze on the other. there is however a “Habitable zone” just between these two sides, a place of permanent twilight which is at the right temperature and capable of sustaining life. Back in 2008 we have sent a signal directly at this planet and it’s expected to reach there in 2029." GN

I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.
Isaiah 45:12
P.S.-Planetary Uniqueness undermines the evolutionary cosmological theory that solar systems formed through accretion from the same space dust debris in their vicinity....