Saturday, September 12, 2015

Creation Moment 9/13/2015 - Power Grid of Cells

I will praise You
because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:14 HSCB
"The interconnected mitochondrial net wraps around long, tubular, protein bundles that contract inside cells to make muscles move.
This design efficiently delivers
    the right fuel
      to the right place
        at the right time
          and in the right quantity.
But the scientists found more.
Areas of the mitochondrial net that lie next to blood capillaries "are optimized for generating the
mitochondrial membrane voltage, while the interconnected mitochondria deep in the muscle are optimized for using the voltage to produce ATP," according to lead author Robert Balaban in a National Institutes for Health news release.
Variable voltages maintained throughout the network fuel the mitochondrial machines that generate ATP. In other words, carbohydrate chemical energy enters the mitochondrial reticulum near the source, gets converted to electric energy which travels deep into the muscle cell, and that gets converted to ATP chemical energy right where muscle proteins need it the most. It's a brilliant manufacturing and distribution array "that resembles the wire grid that distributes power throughout a city."
If real people designed and built power grids in cities, it stands to reason that a real Person made miniature mitochondrial power grids in muscle cells, which are even more complicated and more tightly regulated than human-engineered systems." ICR