Sunday, September 6, 2015

Book Review: Beyond Imagination

 (short) Book Review: A book that may be of some interest....
(Review by

Beyond Imagination
by Baldwin, Thomas & Gibson
127 pages  Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association (2013)

"Imagine this--there are more stars in the universe
than there are grains of sand on all the beaches in the world! What we see when we look up-- that's like a handful of sand. In a universe this big, our little planet is just a speck, barely worth noticing.
In this book, we will explore some of the wonders of the universe and of life on our little planet. But most importantly, we will explore the wonder of our own existence. Since the earliest days of human history, people have struggled with the big questions of life. Why are we here? Where are we going? What happens to us when we die?
Some people believe that science offers all the answers we seek; others feel that science leaves them empty. It doesn't offer answers for some of the deepest longings of the human heart. But that doesn't mean that those answers can't be found.
Come along on a journey to discover not only the wonders of life but, even more remarkable, a love that is beyond imagination."

Chapter 1  Beyond Imagination.........................................................
Chapter 2  The Day the Universe Changed Forever........................
Chapter 3   The Design of the Earth .................................................
Chapter 4   The Uniqueness of Humans............................................
Chapter 5   A Gift of Balance ............................................................
Chapter 6  Why the Bad Stuff?..........................................................
Chapter 7   The Jesus Plan.................................................................
Chapter 8   Rescue From Above.......................................................
Chapter 9   Earth 2.0..........................................................................
Chapter 10  A New Way of Thinking.................................................

 Look now toward heaven, 
and tell the stars,
 if thou be able to number them:
Genesis 15:5