Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Upon the City Wall

  And they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall.
Nehemiah 3:8
"Cities well fortified have broad walls, 
and so had Jerusalem in her glory. 
The New Jerusalem must, in like manner, 
be surrounded and preserved 
by a broad wall of nonconformity to the world, 
and separation from its customs and spirit
The tendency of these days break down the holy barrier, 
and make the distinction between the church 
and the world merely nominal. 
  Professors are no longer strict and Puritanical, 
      questionable literature is read on all hands, 
          frivolous pastimes are currently indulged, 
              and a general laxity threatens to deprive the Lord's peculiar people of those sacred singularities which separate them from sinners.
 As friend met friend upon the city wall, 
so meet thou thy God in the way of holy prayer and meditation. 
The bulwarks of salvation thou hast a right to traverse, for thou art a freeman of the royal burgh, a citizen of the metropolis of the universe."
Charles Spurgeon