Saturday, August 1, 2015

Noah's Son's & the "Babylonian" trinity of Revelation

In Revelation there is the Counterfeit Trinity of Spiritual "Babylon", consisting of the Dragon, Beast & False Prophet.
We see them played out in the 3 son's of Noah in an prophetic/inverse sort of relationship.

By birth order.....

Japheth- (the Dragon) who represents the powers (political) of this world.
Japheth would dwell in the tents of others - God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. Genesis 9:27
Not only did his descendants "dwell" in the tents of Shem's, but also Ham's too.
Japheth's offspring were largely the Europeans. The Europeans politically, by the 1800's had colonized most of the world- the America's, Africa, the Pacific Islands, central & east Asia (except China & Japan, but had colonies on the coast of China such as British Hong Kong, German Tsingtao & Portuguese Macau, etc.), and by the end of WW1 the middle east except Turkey & Persia (Iran) which are partly made up of Japheth.

Shem- (the Beast) Shem was the progenitor of the Messianic Line of Christ via his son Arphaxad. Here we have a COUNTERFEIT Messianic Line in an inverse
relationship. For the Beast (Little Horn of Daniel) also claims a lineage. That of the erroneous doctrine of Apostolic Succession. In other words, Papal Rome has it's own Messianic Line from Peter (supposedly they claim) down to each "HOLY FATHER IN ROME"!!!!

Ham- (the False Prophet) as his lineage carried the most genetic diversity-- Africans, Asians,
Pacific Islanders, Indians, both non-Aryan Dravidian stock of India & American Indians as well as even the Canaanites of the middle too, the False Prophet, who represents the Apostate Churches (daughters of the whore/beast of Revelation) have a multitude of diversity of DENOMINATIONS of CHRISTENDOM.
