Thursday, August 6, 2015

IN the NEWS - What's an "intact fetus"?

  ....for it is written, 
Vengeance is mine; 
I will repay, saith the Lord.
Romans 12:19
"The latest from Planned Parenthood, these videos from the group -- Center for Medical Progress -- that's made these videos. You know, every time they release videos, you think, ".... how much worse can it get?  It can't get any worse."  And then each new release it gets worse.  "Fifth Planned
Parenthood Video Turns to Intact Fetuses."  Now, the fourth video alludes to this.  The fifth video gets descriptive.  How about this as a pull quote: "Yeah, we had a really long day, and they're all mixed up together in a bag."  Meaning the aborted fetuses.  "Yeah," man, "we had a really long day.""Much of the video is dedicated to discussions of the higher prices of 'intact' fetuses..." May I give you a different way of describing an "'intact' fetus"?  An "intact' fetus" that is in a bag with other "intact fetuses" getting mixed up would otherwise be called "a baby."RUSH