Sunday, August 2, 2015

IN the NEWS - "Doing God's Work"? Huh?

Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity;
Psalm :8
"A group of liberal clergy who advise the largest
abortion provider in the United States have praised employees of the organization for “doing God’s work.” -----Huh???????????????
A" statement released Wednesday by the Planned Parenthood Clergy Advocacy Board attacks what it portrays as “politically motivated, heavily edited, and secretly recorded” videos released by the California-based organization Center for Medical Progress (CMP).
The videos, of which a fourth installment was released this morning, reveal Planned Parenthood officials discussing compensation for the potential sale of tissues from aborted pregnancies. Widely shared over social media, the videos sparked uproar among abortion opponents and some medical ethicists because the sale of fetal tissue for profit is illegal under U.S. law. CMP simultaneously released unedited footage of conversations with the officials." JE