Friday, August 14, 2015

Creation Moment 8/15/2015 - Big Bang Oops....

"The most precise measurements ever show that particles and their
antiparticles are perfect mirror images of each other. Protons and anti-protons are alike in every way; just don’t bring them together or they will annihilate each other. They differ only by the sign of their charges.

Why this is a problem for big bang theory—and for the “standard model” of particle physics—is explained in Nature:
"The standard model of particle physics is considered to be the best physical theory that we have.
It is built on symmetries and can describe all the experiments and observations
concerning the known subatomic particles.
However, the model includes some 30 free parameters and is not fully explanatory. For example, it cannot explain a profound mystery of physics and cosmology, the fact that there is no antimatter in the Universe. When matter and antimatter mutually annihilated each other following the Big Bang, any pre-existing symmetry between them was broken. Matter but no antimatter was left behind, and we lack a satisfactory explanation as to how this occurred."

"Since the universe of matter we see today constitutes only 4% of mass-energy when theoretical dark matter and dark energy are considered, it implies that modern physicists and cosmologists only have a handle on 2% of reality. Is this evidence for intelligent design?
Look at what Jungmann says:
"Symmetries have a central role in physics.
A symmetry that holds across the Universe is an indication that a conservation law is at work.
For example, adjusting a clock by an arbitrary time interval leaves all physical processes completely unaffected. A consequence of this is that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. But, when a symmetry is violated or a quantity is not conserved, a symmetry-breaking process must be at work. There does not appear to be any physical process that can account for the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe."

A designer of a habitable universe, however, would know that a mix of matter and antimatter would make the universe uninhabitable (e.g., don’t shake hands with your anti-self), unless the antimatter were somehow segregated from the matter. Observing that kind of segregation, though, would violate the Cosmological Principle and amount to further evidence for design. There is cause (a “symmetry-breaking process”) that can account for these asymmetries, though, and that cause is intelligence. Why not infer that the thing that “must be at work” is not just a process, but a Person?" CEH
All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:3