Friday, July 3, 2015

SDA News- Wilson Re-elected in a landslide

"Delegates overwhelming elected incumbent General Conference president Ted N.C. Wilson to
another five years in office on Friday.
An estimated 90 percent of some 1,900 registered delegates voted in favor of continuing Wilson in his position as leader of the Seventh-day Adventist world church after a 37-minute discussion at the General Conference session in San Antonio, Texas. 
It is with very quiet respect and humility that both of us stand before you, before God,” Wilson said. “And we do accept this responsibility.”
Wilson reiterated his commitment to God and the Adventist Church, and briefly outlined three goals that he would pursue in his second term: a greater emphasis on Christ and His righteousness, faithfulness, and the involvement of every church member in evangelism and witnessing.
God intends for his people to stand faithfully, but we have got to do it together,” he said." ANN
Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham,
and whosoever among you feareth God,
Acts 13:26