Monday, July 6, 2015

SDA News - Cruz wife an SDA

"Sen. Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi Nelson Cruz, is SDA:

Both her paternal and maternal grandfathers were doctors, as were multiple uncles. Cruz’s great-great-grandfather was a doctor and former president of Loma Linda University. Her maternal grandfather lived in Africa close to three decades, serving a mission while working at a hospital in

the former Belgian Congo.

Growing up, Cruz visited numerous countries with her father, Peter Nelson, a dentist with a practice in San Luis Obispo; her mother, Suzanne Nelson, a former dental hygienist; and her brother, Scott Nelson, as part of missionary work her parents performed and dental work her father conducted in developing countries. The missions they performed were through the Seventh-day Adventist Church."


"Her great-grandfather was president of the Adventist Loma Linda University, and Heidi herself graduated from an Adventist boarding school near Watsonville. Her father, a dentist, and her brother, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, have followed the rich Adventist tradition of devotion to health care careers and medical missionary work." WashingtonMonthly
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife:
Genesis 2:24