Tuesday, July 14, 2015

IN the NEWS - satanic Detroit Statue

And the LORD said unto Satan, From whence comest thou?
And Satan answered the LORD, and said,
From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
Job 2:2
"DETROIT, Mich. — The unveiling of a Satanic statue depicting Baphomet being flanked by children has been moved to a secret ticketed location and the original venue has pulled out of the event.
As previously reported, the New York-based Satanic Temple had scheduled the unveiling for July 25th as it had been booked at Bert’s Warehouse in Detroit. The group says that it chose Detroit because it has a “good community” of followers, with over 200 members.

But a group of pastors decided to rally against the event, and also contacted the owner of Bert’s Warehouse, Bert Dearing, to request that the Baphomet unveiling be canceled. Dearing told the Associated Press on Monday that when he realized who had booked the event and what his facility would be used for, he gave the Satanic Temple their money back.
Detroit is a very religious area,” Dearing told the outlet. “When I rented the place, I just thought it was a church. I didn’t know about the unveiling of a statue. We weren’t aware they were into Devil worshiping.”
Due to opposition, the Satanic Temple says that it has now moved the event to secret venue in the city and admission will be ticketed. While the unveiling is set to take place in Detroit, the group says that the statue will not remain there.
The group similarly raised concerns last December when it was granted permission to erect its “snaketivity scene” near a nativity scene on the Michigan capitol grounds. The statue featured a snake wrapped around a Satanic cross, with the snake offering the book “Revolt of the Angels” as a gift." Charisma