Thursday, July 30, 2015

IN the NEWS - Lion & Flag

This week 2 politicians nailed Planned Parenthood. Rubio sent out his tweet contrasting the dead lion response to the Planned Parenthood Scandal response.
The Question is: HOW have we got so cold hearted as a nation that a dead Lion generates more outrage than the Hitleresque harvesting of human baby parts?

And because iniquity shall abound,

the love of many shall wax cold.

Matthew 24:12
"Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) on Wednesday questioned the lack of outrage over Planned
Parenthood, in the wake of widespread indignation at a Minnesota man accused of shooting a beloved lion. In a tweet on Tuesday, the GOP presidential candidate asked why there was a lack of outrage at the organization. It has come under fire after the release of controversial videos that show a Planned Parenthood executive discussing using aborted fetuses for research. Rubio connected it to "all this outrage over a dead lion." msn

The Second example is of a Facebook post by Palin who contrasted the outrage & protests over the Confederate flag vs. the lack of outrage by Planned Parenthood by simply asking a Question. 
But the bigger Question is: HOW have we got to this point in culture of seething hatred for a piece of cloth of the past--while human infants are being dismembered and "sold" in the 21st century????
" Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin went after Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, in a Facebook post that will certainly draw the fury of pro-abortion advocates.
Which symbol killed 90,000 black babies last year?” the post asks. Below is an image of the Confederate flag next to the Planned Parenthood logo." TheBlaze

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be......Without natural affection,...
2 Timothy 3:3
Flags over human infants
Lions over human infants
The Love of many has waxed COLD...
As for the response of the Whiehouse?
* To the Planned Parenthood SCANDAL (whom this President also accepted a lot of money from for his campaigns): "The White House on Thursday dismissed the latest video accusing Planned Parenthood of selling fetal organs and tissue, calling the group behind the sting "extremists on the right." CNN
* As for it's response to the Lion killed in Africa: "The White House said on Thursday that it will review the public petition to extradite the American dentist who allegedly killed "Cecil," a Zimbabwean lion." Reuters