Tuesday, July 28, 2015

IN the NEWS - Boy Scouts going Gay now

Another sign of the times of RAPIDLY turning into the "days of Lot"....
"The Boy Scouts of America on Monday ended its ban on openly gay adult leaders.
The top Boy Scouts leaders, including Robert M. Gates, the current president and a former defense secretary who pushed for the new policy,....

Under the policy adopted Monday, discrimination based on sexual orientation will also be barred in all Boy Scouts offices and for all paid jobs — a step that could head off looming lawsuits in New York, Colorado and other states that prohibit such discrimination in employment.
One legal threat was immediately averted. In response to the change, the New York State attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, announced on Monday that his office was ending its investigation of the Scouts for violating state anti-discrimination laws.
The Boy Scouts’ national executive board, composed of 71 civic, corporate and church leaders, adopted the changes with 79 percent of those who participated in a telephone meeting voting in favor, according to an announcement issued by the Scouts. The announcement did not say how many board members were not present." yahoo
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, 
Genesis 6:5