Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Creation Moment 7/9/2015 - "THINK" about it...

".....a new theory of consciousness from Ezequiel Morsella, a psychology professor at San Franciso State University. Morsella relegates consciousness to a minor, passive role as an interpreter of sensory data rather than a free agent of choice and deliberate thought.
"The interpreter presents the information but is not the one making any arguments or acting upon the knowledge that is shared," Morsella said.  
"Similarly, the information we perceive in our consciousness is not created by conscious processes, nor is it reacted to by conscious processes. Consciousness is the middle-man, and it doesn't do as much work as you think." [Emphasis added.]
So did Morsella think about this? Here's how you uncover a self-referential fallacy: you apply the claim to itself to see if it short circuits. He just made an argument, but said consciousness doesn't make arguments. He said consciousness can't create information, but he attempted to create information from his own theory. He said we don't really think, but told his readers "you think."

Avoid the godless chatter and
contradictions of what is
falsely called knowledge,
1 Timothy 6:20 RSV