Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Creation Moment - 7/29/2015 - Obama & Lucy

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Romans 1:22,23
How? One way is by evolution...for man was made in the image of God, so by preaching evolution one is turning man (made in the image of God-God's image) into a beast.
"“Amazing,” President Barack Obama remarked, .....
Before him on a table in Ethiopia’s National Palace, neat, in open wood boxes, lay “Lucy,” aka AL-288-1, the 40-percent complete remains of a female human ancestor who lived 3.2 millions years ago, and, who at the time of her discovery in Ethiopia in 1974 by an American, represented the most complete, ancient tie to humankind.

Every single person here, 7 billion people, including Donald Trump, came down through the chain,” Zeresenay Alemseged, senior curator of anthropology at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and Obama’s tour guide, told the president. Dinkeresh, as she is known to Ethiopians, is an Australopithecus afarensis, which came before Homo sapiens. Alemseged even let Obama touch one of Lucy’s bones, a thoracic vertebrae.
But the experience of stroking an ancient bone in this cradle of civilization seemed to make up at least a bit for Obama’s apparent frustration with his lack of personal contact on the Africa trip, and the dramas that dog him back home. 
I just met Lucy,” Obama told the assembled guests later in the evening at the State Dinner in his honor at the palace. Seeing those remains, he said, “We are reminded that Ethiopians, Americans, all the people of the world are part of the same human family, the same chain. And as one of the professors who was describing the artifacts correctly pointed out, so much of the hardship and conflict and sadness and violence that occurs around the world is because we forget that fact. We look at superficial differences as opposed to seeing the fundamental connection that we all share.”"