Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Creation Moment - 7/2/2015 - Isaiah

"While three particular Hebrew words are used frequently
elsewhere in the Old Testament, they occur together in Isaiah 45:18 and are translated “created”, “formed” and “made”. It is interesting that these words, bara (to prepare, form, fashion, create), yatsar (to form, fashion, frame, constitute), and asah (to do, make), are much more frequently used with reference to the creation in one particular book than in any of the others in the Old Testament: Isaiah.
King Cyrus is told (chapter 45:7,12). “I form the light and create [bara] darkness”; “I have made [asah] the earth, and created [bara] man upon it; I, even my hands, have stretched out [natah] the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.” Also that Israel shall be saved with an everlasting salvation: “For thus saith the Lord that created [bara] the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made [asah] it not in vain [tohu]—without form, as in Genesis 1:2], he formed [yatsar] it to be inhabited” (chapter 45:17-18). Thus an eternal, purposeful and benevolent Creator is revealed to this heathen Persian king." CMI