Friday, July 17, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: The Way International

The Way International

For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jude 1:4

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The Way International would be above all other denominations listed, a genuine CULT. Founded in
1942 by Victor Paul Wierwille. He began with a radio program carried in Lima, Ohio then trnasfered to AM 700 WLW in Cincinnati. As an ordained minister in the Evangelical & Reformed Church (which later merged with the Congregational Church to become the United Church of Christ). He was kicked out for his weird doctrines after a visit to a seminar about the Holy Spirit in Canada.
At one time his main training center was in Rome City, Indiana. his was the church most infamous in the 70's for "programming" followers & the one parents would hire people to kidnap & rescue back their young adult children. His "church" would sometimes try & kidnap people back.
His main focus was on teaching a sort of self help prosperity gospel
nonsense called Power For Abundant Living. At it's peak in the 70's, he had about 100,000 members.
They are hyper-dispensationalists, which mean they believe in only the Epistles of Paul as
authoritative Scripture. The rest is just some good advice. Despite that, they have women ordination.
They reject the Trinity. Christ is not considered all powerful like God. The Holy Spirit is just the power of God filling your life rather than a distinct being. They also speak in gibberish tongues.
They teach the error of the Wednesday crucifixion & that Christ was crucified with 4, not 2, men. They reject baptism and believe once your saved you can never be lost. Wierwille taught that the Law of God
doesn't matter. Also they believe abortion is O.K. Although they do oppose gay marriage.
Victor Paul Wierwille was embroiled in many sex scandals (he taught that fornication was O.K.) and even investigated (along with other male staff) for rape. He died of eye cancer. Today about 10,000 members.