Tuesday, July 7, 2015

CHRISTENDOM Series: Sabbatarian


But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God:

Exodus 20:10

Churches who are rooted in NOT transferring the solemnity of the 7th day Sabbath to the 1st day of the week. In other words, they keep Sabbath on our Saturday rather than Sunday as a primary doctrine.

Seventh-day Adventist - 1863, began with a group from the Millerite movement of the 1840s. Theologically conservative, opposed
to women ordination & gay marriage. Hold to creationism and are Arminian & historic pre-millennial. On the state of the dead they believe in soul sleep. Also have the Sanctuary Doctrine as a cornerstone belief. About 1,100,000 members.
Churches of God (7th Day) - 1863, a group of Seventh Day Adventists who rejected the inspiration of Ellen White. They have rejected also, the Sanctuary Doctrine. About 11,000 members.
Assemblies of Yahweh (Holt) - 1930's, formed in Lansing, Michigan to observe Jewish feast days. About 200 members.
Adventist Church of Promise - 1932, charismatic Adventists from Brazil. Began
when some 7th Day Adventists were influenced by some Pentecostal Assemblies of God people. Although large in South America, there are a few congregations in the U.S. They mix Adventism with Pentecostalism, including "tongues" & faith healing.
Churches of God (7th Day-Salem) - 1933, small offshoot of Church of God (7th Day) which separated over moving the headquarters to Salem, WV. This group included keeping the Jewish ceremonial feasts and a belief that the saints will be raptured during the 7 last plagues. About
2,000 members.
Assemblies of Yahweh (Bethel) - 1966, to keep the Jewish ceremonial feast days. Belief in using Yahweh for God and Yahshua for Jesus. Headquartered in Bethel, PA. About 4,000 members.

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